Webservices API Automation Testing using RestAssured / POSTMAN / SOAP UI etc - LIVE TRAINING RECORDINGS
Students Enrolled: 25001 ... Everything you need to Master in Webservices (Rest / SOAP) Automation using Rest Assured JAVA API
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Your Instructor
Entrepreneur at Way2Automation.com
Trained over 5,00,000+ students world wide in Selenium Webdriver, Appium - Mobile Automation Testing, API Webservices Testing and framework designing. Conducted various Online trainings, corporate trainings and face to face trainings across the Globe.
Worked with various CMM level orgranizations. Involved in setting up of manual and automation testing teams. Implemented various automation projects using Selenium API, QTP, SOAP UI, Webservices, Protractor, Cypress, JMeter etc. Created & Implemented various frameworks such as Page Object Model, Data Driven, Hybrid, Cucumber BDD etc.
Course Curriculum
Available in
after you enroll
PreviewDay 1 - Introduction to Webservices API Testing (107:57)
StartIntroduction to Webservices API Testing - PDF file
PreviewDay 2 - Understanding REST API and usage of Webservices (103:06)
StartDay 3 - Installing POSTMAN and testing REST APIs (120:17)
StartDay 4 - POSTMAN in Depth (108:35)
StartDay 5 - POSTMAN Continues (107:22)
StartNotes and Assignments from above lectures
StartDay 6 (93:16)
PreviewDay 7 - JSON to POJO - Part 1 (40:46)
StartDay 7 - JSON to POJO - Part 2 (64:59)
StartDay 8 (95:12)
StartDay 9 - Rest Assured Part 1 (117:27)
StartDay 10 - Rest Assured Part 2 (100:35)
StartCode till date
StartDay 11 - Rest Assured Framework - Part 3 (106:53)
StartDay 12 - TestNG Framework (106:36)
StartCode till date
StartDay 13 - TestNG and Rest Assured Framework (110:49)
StartDay 14 - Rest Assured Framework - Part 4 (109:14)
StartDay 15 - Rest Assured Framework - Part 5 (99:01)
StartDay 16 - Rest Assured Framework - Part 6 (90:49)
StartDay 17 - TestNG Framework, Data Providers etc (114:01)
StartDay 18 - Jenkins, RetryListener, Rest Assured Framework (109:27)
StartDay 19 - Rest Assured Framework, Jenkins, Reporting etc (75:08)
StartDay 20 - Rest Assured Framework and Cucumber BDD (102:15)
StartDay 21 - Cucumber BDD Framework (101:32)
StartDay 22 - Cucumber BDD and Extent Report integration (114:11)
Available in
after you enroll
PreviewDay 1 - Introduction to API Testing (109:58)
StartDay 2 - API Testing basics (99:37)
StartDay 3 - Getting started with POSTMAN and understanding CRUD Operations (103:55)
StartDay 4 - POSTMAN - Weather API (96:48)
StartDay 5 - POSTMAN - Scripting (99:32)
StartDay 6 - POSTMAN - Scripting (106:36)
StartDay 7 - POSTMAN - Scripting (106:56)
StartDay 8 - POSTMAN - Javascripting (105:24)
StartDay 9 - Newman and Jenkins (106:53)
StartDay 10 - Getting started with REST Assured API (110:10)
StartDay 11 - Rest Assured Basics (94:35)
StartDay 12 - Validating JSON Data, Serialisation and De-Serialisation (86:18)
StartDay 13 - Weather API - POJO (96:31)
StartDay 14 - Cucumber BDD Framework (102:50)
StartDay 15 - Cucumber BDD Framework (106:37)
StartDay 16 - Cucumber BDD Framework (67:31)
Available in
after you enroll
StartDay 1 - Introduction to API Testing (116:38)
StartDay 2 - API Testing basics (99:39)
StartDay 3 - Getting started with POSTMAN and understand CRUD operations (113:24)
StartDay 4 - Postman Basics (111:55)
StartDay 5 - POSTMAN - Accessing Weather API (99:47)
StartDay 6 - Postman scripting (97:52)
StartDay 7 - Postman and Newman (96:51)
StartDay 8 - POSTMAN, Newman, Jenkins Integration for CICD (93:10)
StartDay 9 - Getting started with REST Assured - Weather API (102:03)
StartDay 10 - Rest Assured - POJO (65:37)
StartDay 11 - Weather API - POJO (83:00)
StartDay 12 - Cucumber BDD Framework (89:14)
StartDay 13 - Cucumber Datatable and Excel Integration (53:29)
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.